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Mizoram Board of School Education

1,500 Manipuri Children Flock to Mizoram Schools Surprising Influx

by Praveen On 6/22/2023 5:03:58 PM

Explore the reasons behind this unexpected trend and the measures Mizoram's Education Department took to accommodate the influx. In a remarkable development, the Education Director of Mizoram, Mr Rajesh Sharma, has announced that a staggering 1,500 children from Manipur have enrolled in schools across the state. This unexpected migration of students from Manipur to Mizoram has sparked curiosity and drawn attention to the educational opportunities offered in Mizoram.

When it began:

The enrollment of Manipuri students in Mizoram schools began in the past academic year, with an increasing number of families seeking better educational prospects for their children. This migration trend has gained momentum in recent months, attracting the attention of education officials and experts alike. Mr Sharma expressed his surprise at the sudden influx of students from Manipur, stating, "We were not expecting such a large number of children from Manipur to enroll in our schools. It indicates parents' trust in the quality of education provided in Mizoram."

Why it happened:

The reasons behind this migration remain speculative, but experts believe that the availability of quality education, infrastructure, and conducive learning environments in Mizoram are contributing factors. Furthermore, Mizoram's peaceful and inclusive society, coupled with its bilingual advantage (English and Mizo), might be attracting families from Manipur to seek a better future for their children.

Measure from the department:

The Mizoram Education Department has taken several proactive measures to accommodate the increasing number of students. Additional classrooms, teachers, and teaching resources have been allocated to ensure a smooth transition for the new students. The government has also implemented programs to support the integration of students into the Mizoram education system and foster cultural exchange. Effect of it: The migration of Manipuri students to Mizoram not only highlights the desire for better education but also showcases Mizoram's educational progress and reputation. This development presents an opportunity for intercultural exchange and mutual growth as students from different regions come together to learn and understand each other's cultures.


As the educational landscape continues to evolve, Mizoram's success in attracting students from Manipur inspires other states to prioritize and enhance their education systems. The government and stakeholders must seize this opportunity to develop further and strengthen the educational infrastructure, ensuring that students nationwide can access quality education. In conclusion, the enrollment of 1,500 children from Manipur in Mizoram schools has emerged as a surprising and promising phenomenon.